Journal / Phenomenal Women

Skincare that cares.

11 Oct, 2022

‘I have always had an insecurity about my contribution beyond being a mother, and as such have had a relentless appetite for growing brands that have a positive impact on a consumer and the industry or market’

Meet Susie Willis, the self deprecating and brilliant Founder of the beautiful skincare brand Romilly Wilde. Susie has years of experience working in the wellness industry. Discovering that so many skincare brands were using toxic ingredients and diluting concentrates with bulking agents. Romilly Wilde was born out of her inspiration to create a brand that has nothing to hide, connecting nutrition and skincare. 

We hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did.

With love Rebekah & the MPowder Team.


First, tell us a little bit about you and your work. What motivated you to do what you do now?

I am 56, a mother to 3 and a step mother to 3. I live in deepest Dorset and Notting Hill where Romilly Wilde HQ is.  


‘I have always had an insecurity about my contribution beyond being a mother, and as such have had a relentless appetite for growing brands that have a positive impact on a consumer and the industry or market. Notwithstanding, doing all of this and being accountable and environmentally responsible too.’


How has your own peri/menopause transition influenced your outlook towards work and life? 

I had a rather odd peri-menopause as I honestly wasn’t looking out for it plus I just felt pretty normal.  Other than sore boobs, I had clockwork periods and felt exactly the same.  I was even ovulating until the full-blown onset of menopause.  

There was no mistaking it;

‘Literally, overnight I had hot flushes and brain fog, anxiety and soon to follow, the change in my shape. I have always been fit and slim, and now my back is broader, my calves bigger and my waist an inch larger, and whatever I do, I stay the same. I am just a bigger frame so I accept it (reluctantly!).’


How do you define success - both within the work you do and yourself individually? 

This will sound cheesy but I define success as a personal learning, always trying to be a better, stronger more authentic person.  This is not for anybody else directly but for oneself.  


‘If you love yourself then you are a successful person. This then reflects on how you are with other people whether in a personal capacity or professional.’


Has your definition of success changed over time as an entrepreneur and individual? 

No. The intentions are the same, just keep pursuing, staying strong and keep believing. And I think more, as I am older and wiser, being more forgiving as nothing is as it seems. Don’t presume and assume and always, always have a backup for every scenario because curve balls are flung more now than ever before. Resourcefulness and strength, patience and trust are my main mantras that I have to tune into on a regular basis.


What correlation, if any, do you see between age and ambition?  

No correlation for me personally. I always have stuff to prove. I set the bar high on everything I do and probably always will.


What are your aspirations for your business over the next 24 months?  

Scale, innovate and grow. We are working with international partners and suppliers so our team is expanding to support this growth. We are pursuing the US customer with more investment as they already understand and seek Clean Beauty and bio-tech beauty.


What do you wish your younger self had known about:

Life. Don’t be afraid to give things a go.

Love. There is someone out there, just relax and the phrase ‘better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’.

Health. You are in the driving seat. Your mental and physical health are all awaiting your guidance and instruction. Just take charge and believe in the unbelievable strength when you look at mind, body, soul.

Work. Work hard, be humble.  


What would be your key advice to women transitioning through menopause today? What practical steps could they take to better support their bodies and minds?  

Getting a grip on sleep is the start. There are so many natural sleep aids and apps that can assist in a decent night’s sleep.  


‘I take Ashwagandha and Magnesium, both are present in MPowder Meno-Boost. This really does help. I also listen to the sounds of crickets to send me to sleep, or the sound of water. Breathwork and yoga are my go-to and help with all areas of menopause, from confidence, flexibility, strength to bring you back to you. The physical form helps manage the emotional form.’


What have you done to better support yourself in the last 24 months? What have you learned. And what are you carrying with you as the world once again shape shifts? 

I have learned that we are still learning! I have learned that we are incredibly resilient, as long as you can find laughter and joy.  


‘When things get dark and scary, I make myself look at the things that are omni-present that you forget to look at. This can be a favourite painting, your child, your dog, a tree. Just smile and something changes in your physiology.  It changes the frequency.’


Thank you Susie. To find out more about the principles and purpose that sit behind Romilly Wilde, take a peek HERE. 

11 Oct, 2022

‘I have always had an insecurity about my contribution beyond being a mother, and as such have had a relentless appetite for growing brands that have a positive impact on a consumer and the industry or market’

Meet Susie Willis, the self deprecating and brilliant Founder of the beautiful skincare brand Romilly Wilde. Susie has years of experience working in the wellness industry. Discovering that so many skincare brands were using toxic ingredients and diluting concentrates with bulking agents. Romilly Wilde was born out of her inspiration to create a brand that has nothing to hide, connecting nutrition and skincare. 

We hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did.

With love Rebekah & the MPowder Team.


First, tell us a little bit about you and your work. What motivated you to do what you do now?

I am 56, a mother to 3 and a step mother to 3. I live in deepest Dorset and Notting Hill where Romilly Wilde HQ is.  


‘I have always had an insecurity about my contribution beyond being a mother, and as such have had a relentless appetite for growing brands that have a positive impact on a consumer and the industry or market. Notwithstanding, doing all of this and being accountable and environmentally responsible too.’


How has your own peri/menopause transition influenced your outlook towards work and life? 

I had a rather odd peri-menopause as I honestly wasn’t looking out for it plus I just felt pretty normal.  Other than sore boobs, I had clockwork periods and felt exactly the same.  I was even ovulating until the full-blown onset of menopause.  

There was no mistaking it;

‘Literally, overnight I had hot flushes and brain fog, anxiety and soon to follow, the change in my shape. I have always been fit and slim, and now my back is broader, my calves bigger and my waist an inch larger, and whatever I do, I stay the same. I am just a bigger frame so I accept it (reluctantly!).’


How do you define success - both within the work you do and yourself individually? 

This will sound cheesy but I define success as a personal learning, always trying to be a better, stronger more authentic person.  This is not for anybody else directly but for oneself.  


‘If you love yourself then you are a successful person. This then reflects on how you are with other people whether in a personal capacity or professional.’


Has your definition of success changed over time as an entrepreneur and individual? 

No. The intentions are the same, just keep pursuing, staying strong and keep believing. And I think more, as I am older and wiser, being more forgiving as nothing is as it seems. Don’t presume and assume and always, always have a backup for every scenario because curve balls are flung more now than ever before. Resourcefulness and strength, patience and trust are my main mantras that I have to tune into on a regular basis.


What correlation, if any, do you see between age and ambition?  

No correlation for me personally. I always have stuff to prove. I set the bar high on everything I do and probably always will.


What are your aspirations for your business over the next 24 months?  

Scale, innovate and grow. We are working with international partners and suppliers so our team is expanding to support this growth. We are pursuing the US customer with more investment as they already understand and seek Clean Beauty and bio-tech beauty.


What do you wish your younger self had known about:

Life. Don’t be afraid to give things a go.

Love. There is someone out there, just relax and the phrase ‘better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’.

Health. You are in the driving seat. Your mental and physical health are all awaiting your guidance and instruction. Just take charge and believe in the unbelievable strength when you look at mind, body, soul.

Work. Work hard, be humble.  


What would be your key advice to women transitioning through menopause today? What practical steps could they take to better support their bodies and minds?  

Getting a grip on sleep is the start. There are so many natural sleep aids and apps that can assist in a decent night’s sleep.  


‘I take Ashwagandha and Magnesium, both are present in MPowder Meno-Boost. This really does help. I also listen to the sounds of crickets to send me to sleep, or the sound of water. Breathwork and yoga are my go-to and help with all areas of menopause, from confidence, flexibility, strength to bring you back to you. The physical form helps manage the emotional form.’


What have you done to better support yourself in the last 24 months? What have you learned. And what are you carrying with you as the world once again shape shifts? 

I have learned that we are still learning! I have learned that we are incredibly resilient, as long as you can find laughter and joy.  


‘When things get dark and scary, I make myself look at the things that are omni-present that you forget to look at. This can be a favourite painting, your child, your dog, a tree. Just smile and something changes in your physiology.  It changes the frequency.’


Thank you Susie. To find out more about the principles and purpose that sit behind Romilly Wilde, take a peek HERE. 

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