category: Recipes Meno-Boost MPowder Nutrition Recipes Smoothie

Plant protein dream

MPowder Team

24 Feb, 2021


MPowder Meno-Boost 30g (3 level tbsp)
Milk of your choice (chilled)
Spinach (handful) 30g
Banana (we like to chop them and freeze them so they give more bulk to the drink) 1
Medjool Date (pitted and chopped) 1
Oats 2 tbsp


MPowder Meno-Boost
Prep time 5 minutes


Place everything in a blender and blitz.
If you don't have medjool dates to hand, any dates work - simply soak them in warm water to soften them before using.
Try a few cubes of ice if you want a creamier consistency.


Make midlife your superpower
